Wear me on your lucky finger and let me remind you of trust and persistence in your path of life.
It is inspired by the chinese flying koi fish.
The legend says long ago the yellow river was empty of fish swimming in its waters. The koi fish were swimming against the current. Halfway upstream they were stopped by a waterfall, too high to past. Still, a few koi never gave up. It took the fish a hundred years practicing until they finally succeeded in the jump of their life. As they overpassed the waterfall the water spirits transformed the koi fish into a golden dragon. Their golden hue made the river shimmer as if it was a river of gold.
Stay true to yourself and be reminded of valuing time and trust to keep your path to achieve your goals.
flying koi legend ring
- One-of-a-kind cinderella jewel. ring size 51. Is your finger the lucky one?
- aquagreen beryl gemstone
- very thick layer of 24ct warm yellow gold on silverbase - vermeil
- three-dimensional sculpted
- Exclusively available to try on in persona in Freiburg Germany - by appointment.
Exclusively available in persona in Freiburg Germany by appointment.
Cinderella, try me on!